Jayson Infante

🚀 Welcome to my website!

I enjoy playing the guitar 🎸, singing 🎤 and longboarding 🛹!

📜 About Me

I am currently a 5/5 Cooperative Education Student at Stevens Institute of Technology majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics set to graduate in May 2022.

I have a variety of industry experience including Quality Assurance, Business Continuity Planning, Software Engineering, and Data Analytics. However, my primary technical interests revolve around Full-Stack Web Development and DevOps related solutions.

At Stevens, I am a member of the Filipino Association at Stevens Tech and the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. Outside of school, my hobbies include playing the guitar, singing, longboarding, watching Anime/NBA games and lifting!

Check out my resume here.

🖥️ Work History

September 2021 - December 2021 | Englewood, NJ

  • Incoming part-time intern for the Enterprise Engineering Automation team projected to work on providing automation services to various business units

May 2021 - July 2021 | Pittsburgh, PA

  • Aided the Business Intelligence/Analytics team in transitioning users to a JupyterHub/Slurm environment for improved resource control
  • Analyzed memory usage from Data Science teams to optimize memory allocation requests utilizing Slurm, MySQL, and Bash
  • Developed automated data collection scripts to analyze key metrics with Python and Pandas
  • Participated in extracurricular Shark Tank activity to transform the lending and transacting experience for students with a focus on short term borrowing, purchasing methods and person to person payments

August 2020 - January 2021 | New York, NY

  • Developed a Course Management System plug-in for internal company usage within a Linux environment with Django and Ansible
  • Built internal chat bot features utilizing Python and Slack API
  • Followed CI/CD principles by using tools such as Travis CI, AWS EC2, and Docker while deploying code
  • Created documentation focusing on chatbot setup for internal company hackathon used by 70+ employees
  • Revised training material slides for classes revolving around Network Programming and Automation

September 2019 - December 2020 | New York, NY

  • Executed documented disaster recovery strategies and operated Microsoft Excel to compare the company’s test data from previous years
  • Created quarterly test updates for the BCP plan and held meetings with Directors from each group to ensure that the applications within each group are working with the company’s backup systems
  • Managed and updated online databases (DREAMS, Send Word Now)
  • Traveled to backup building in Metropark, NJ to ensure all systems were working correctly

January 2019 - May 2020 | New York, NY

  • Contributed in regular status meetings to state any bugs, problems or risks
  • Executed functional and regression test cases with different platforms (Linux, Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10) in order to track any potential defects
  • Cooperated with the Development Team in order to resolve any difficulties encountered in test executions
  • Implemented test-plans and test-cases built on high-leveled and detailed design

👩🏽‍🚀 Projects

Node.js, React.js, Socket.io

  • Web application that allows two users to text chat while playing the card game War
  • Utilized Socket.io for real-time updates and bi-directional communication for both the card game and text chat
  • Future steps include the implementation of user authentication and live leaderboards

Dart, Flutter

  • Mobile application for students to optimize commute paths throughout Rutgers New Brunswick
  • Developed front-end (Rest API calls, Web Forms) for both iOS and Android with one codebase using Flutter to create a cross-platform application
  • Utilized Google Maps Flutter package to visualize user's current geolocation and commute path
  • Back-end team utilized Google Maps API to find walking path from one bus stop to another and TransLoc real-time bus API to find all Rutgers bus schedules, paths, and bus stops
  • Initiated the project with a team of 4 at Fall 2019 HackRU and was continued afterwards

HTML, CSS/Bootstrap, JavaScript, Firebase

  • Developed a prototype Course Catalog web application for Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Implemented an efficient and user-friendly version of the current Stevens Course Catalog (600+ Page PDF), effectively reducing the amount of time browsing for a course by 82% (Based on two usablity tests)
  • Leveraged Firebase to allow real-time posting for Course Reviews
  • Utilized an iterative approach and various processes to complete the project, such as surveys, user stories/personas, paper prototyping, mockups, and usability testing
  • Emphasized various HCI concepts such as PAR, Nielsen's Design Heuristics, Microinteractions, and Tidwell's Patterns
  • Future steps feature greater accessibility for visually impaired users and shareability functions to send information for a given class to an email/phone number
  • Made for a Human-Computer Interaction class with a team of 4 people


  • Developed a text parser for GEDCOM genealogy files (Text files that describe the structure of family trees) in order to check for errors and anomalies within the data
  • Integrated and emphasized industry-standard agile methods such as Extreme Programming and Scrum throughout the development of the software solution
  • Utilized an iterative approach and various processes/tools to complete the project, such as sprints, burndown charts, user stories, sprint reviews and continuous integration
  • Made for an Agile Methods for Software Development class with a team of 4 people

Node.js, Twilio, Twitter API, Heroku

  • Automation script used to get real-time SMS messages about train delays on the Northeast Corridor
  • Used Node.js to pass private environment variables (Twitter Developer/Twilio API keys)
  • Used Twitter API to grab tweets from NJ Transit's Northeast Corridor twitter page relating to delays or cancellations
  • Used Twilio API to send pertinent information from tweets to my phone number

☎️ Contact Information

Feel free to reach out to me through any of the mediums linked below!

Thanks for visiting!